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About Us
Lastech has been developing software products for areas such as Indian language Publishing, Financial Accounting and Internet applications since its inception in 1989. In addition to its development of several software products, Lastech undertakes application development assignments for in-house use by various businesses.
Lastech commits to the continuous addition of new features to the existing products and the development of new innovative products. Lastech, with its dedicated team of professionals and associates, is committed to provide comprehensive solutions for eGovernance, Ecommerce, Web & Data Analytics applications. The company believes in building strategic relationships with emphasis on Superior Quality, Commitment and TeamWork.
Software is no better than its testing. At Lastech, our testing is among the most exacting in the business. From unit testing to system testing to make our products robust, tests are done at every stage. We use a variety of testing methods.

CSI 1993, Bombay

CSI 1993, Bombay

CSI 1992, Madras

CSI 1992, Madras

CSI 1992, Madras

CSI 1991, New Delhi

CSI 1991, New Delhi